5 Cloud Computing Challenges that Every Business Needs to Overcome

By November 16, 2017 March 14th, 2022 Cloud
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Everyone seems to be talking about the benefits of migrating to the cloud and how it’s become the standard solution for the modern business.

Nonetheless, while the advantages of the cloud are undeniable, it is still important to devise a robust strategy for making such a profound change to your organization’s infrastructure.

After all, the cloud presents many challenges and concerns that are not always easy to understand. In this week’s post, we’ll be addressing some of the more common worries that businesses face when adopting cloud technologies.

#1. Security

Privacy is one of the most pervasive concerns of the modern world, both in our personal lives and when it comes to doing business in the digital environment. At the same time, the cyber-threat landscape is always changing, with hackers adopting an increasingly complex and sophisticated arsenal of tools and tactics designed to steal confidential information.

Cybersecurity should be a primary concern no matter what sort of computing infrastructure your business is working with. To mitigate the threats, you need to enable multifactor authentication and encryption for your cloud-based assets.

#2. Customizability

There’s no guarantee that the cloud will always work the way you want it to. That’s because most cloud services are adapted for use by a wide range of businesses spanning multiple industries. By contrast, on-premises systems tend to be tailored to the precise needs of the business they serve.

Fortunately, the cloud ecosystem is far more sophisticated and customizable than it once was, allowing companies to pick and choose the services they want and pay only for the resources they need. At the same time, the cloud allows organizations to scale up and down as necessary.

#3. Portability

Most cloud services are designed with flexibility in mind, but that doesn’t mean all are made equal when it comes to portability and interoperability.

A poorly executed migration, for example, can leave your staff not knowing what to do, data getting lost during the move, and a multitude of other teething problems.

To meet the challenge, you’ll need to choose services that can integrate seamlessly with your existing on-premises systems. Ideally, you’ll also want to have the capability to switch providers whenever you want without having to undergo the whole migration process again.

#4. Reliability

Being a distributed computing environment, the cloud does present some inherent limitations when compared with on-premises systems. Since computing workloads take place off-site and apps are operated through a web browser, your business will become fully dependent on its service provider and, if your provider has an outage, your systems will cease to function.

You can mitigate many reliability issues by ensuring that your cloud provider offers an attractive service-level agreement (SLA) that commits them to a minimum standard of service quality and uptime.

#5. Governance

Proper governance of data is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your data and meeting compliance regulations. Since migrating to the cloud means losing a degree of control over the storage and transmission of confidential corporate data, many companies consider governance to be the greatest challenge.

To address this concern, your cloud provider should offer a full line of sight into where your data is physically located, which measures are in place to protect it, and who has access to it. Nonetheless, it will still be partially up to you to implement a robust security policy.

Migrating to the cloud allows your business to take advantage of computing power previously available only to large corporations with immense IT budgets. By working with Truewater, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of the cloud without having to worry about migration woes. Contact us today to find out how we can help.



Truewater was established in 2001 with the vision of bringing enterprise class IT support to small and medium sized businesses.