IT Services for Architecture & Engineering Firms

Address: 1208 N Post Oak Rd #100, Houston, TX | Phone: (713) 869-0001

Design your competent IT landscape

A well-designed building starts with a good blueprint. At Truewater, we assist you in planning a solid IT infrastructure that lays a strong foundation for your architecture and engineering business. We also proactively maintain your IT systems to ensure they perform at peak capacity while maintaining longevity through various services, including our IT disaster recovery solutions in Houston.

By subscribing to Truewater’s IT services, architecture and engineering businesses have:

  • Backup and disaster recovery plan – your blueprints, design materials, and important files are safe and can be recovered whenever the unexpected happens.
  • Workflow streamlined – our stable IT services for architecture & engineering firms allow you to track revisions and other development processes and manage workflow easily and without interruption.
  • Collaboration enhancement – by employing the power of the cloud and VoIP technology, you can now connect with your colleagues and clients anytime, anywhere, from any device.
  • AutoCAD and Vault compatible – we’re well-versed in working with the architecture software you use, including AutoCAD and Vault.

Get the most out of your business IT with tailor-made technology solutions from Truewater. We offer IT services for architecture & engineering firms to streamline your business, ensuring your organization is always running at its full potential.

Managed IT Services

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Cloud Computing

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IT Security

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IT Consulting

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Disaster Recovery

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Vendor Management

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